
Showing posts from April, 2024

I am human too: a call for the government to do their part.

  Have you ever wondered about the experiences of street dwellers?  Or why are there so many of them?  My name is Karimah Samuel, and I am a third-year student at The University Of The West Indies. Recently I was tasked with an assignment to conduct my first mini ethnography based on any topic of my choice. Due to my background of community-based initiatives and my urge to fathom the underlying factors of what causes a person to do what they do as well as their experiences; I based my research on homelessness in Trinidad and Tobago.  My ethnographic research entitled “stepping in the shoe of a street dweller” aimed to investigate the many causal factors of homelessness as well as the experiences street dwellers encounter on a day-to-day basis. During my interview process, consequently, to hearing my participants' responses to how helpful the government has been, I mentally stumbled upon many questions that were in relation to the government’s interventions that can p...